partition including pflow event systems

is it possible to add an option for seperating out the pflow events within one partition? so the prt loader could load just specific events in one partition… if not would this feature be considered to add at some point?

You could do it even now with a little hack, but we could think about adding a native way of doing it.
In short, you can set ANY particle channel available in the particles that Krakatoa can save per event, like a Map channel or particleIndex or something like that. Just put an operator in each event setting that channel to a unique value. With mapping, add a Mapping op and set Map channel 2 to 1,1,1 or 2,2,2 etc. for each event. The save that channel with the PRT sequence.
When loading, add a KCM to the stack of the PRT Loader and delete any particles whole Map channel does not match the desired value.

We could add a special channel to mark particles by Event automatically when saving PRTs, but we usually don’t add features if there is already a usable workaround since we have a huge amount of wishlist features that cannot be worked around yet… :wink: