Partition License?

I tried submitting a PRT partitioning job to Deadline but it gives me an error. “License not supported” In the GUI you just click “Accept” and “OK” to make the license go away and then you can save-out PRTs just fine. Is partitioning on the farm something that’s explicitly forbidden in unlicensed mode or am I allowed to add a handler to dismiss the popups?

The Evaluation mode is a Workstation-Only feature, and only in 3ds Max.
Krakatoa MX in workstation mode looks for the “krakatoa-max” license. If it does not find one, it switches to Evaluation mode.

When Krakatoa MX is launched on the network and 3ds Max is running in Slave mode, Krakatoa MX looks for the “krakatoa-render” license which is universal for Max, Maya, C4D and Stand-alone rendering on the network. If it does not find one, it does not start at all. It does not matter if you are trying to render an image or save particles, there is no free mode on the Slave.

Btw, the “krakatoa-render” license can be shared by multiple instances of 3ds Max running on the same Slave, allowing for Concurrent Tasks performing partitioning with just one license.

It is ok to run 3ds Max in Workstation mode on the network and save particles that way. It will eat up a workstation license of 3ds Max, so people who cannot afford that can buy a $495 “krakatoa-render” license. But even the Krakatoa GUI provides an (experimental) version that creates BAT files which try to run 3ds Max command line renders in parallel on the local workstation (that uses Backburner and is unstable as hell). So we don’t really mind people saving their 3ds Max particles any way they see fit even without a license.

With Krakatoa MY and C4D, we do not provide any license-free behavior.