Partitioning - How to use more than one CPU core?


I am partioninng particles coming from a PRT Fume FX node, started 3 instances of max and lots of RAM is eaten up but only one CPU is used…the rest of my 12 Cores is ideling (and so am I). Is it possible to optimize this process a bit?

Assuming you are running locally on the workstation, all you could do is assign different affinities to your Max instances in the Task Manager and see if this will help.
It is really up to Max, PFlow, FumeFX and Windows to negotiate the CPU usage, but you can limit each copy of Max to, say 4 different cores and see what happens…

To add, you can also remove the FumeFX overhead by saving to sequence before you partition and remove the Fume container, that will save you some mem space.