Partitioning is only on maximum 10 cores on deadline?

Hi, in partitioning rolout i can set only maximum 10 simultanious tasks on one machine (or to use max processors toggle but this either not use all of my processors) So for example when i have 16 cores how can i use all of them and not only ten when i want to submit partitioning job on deadline. Is there some method to use them all and not setup different task? Thanks a lot

I have no idea what I was thinking when I limited this to 10. Probably did not expect anyone to try more than 8 or so :wink:
Obviously each task would require memory, and launching Max instances has an overhead, so 16 sounds like a lot of load, but why not…

In your Krakatoa installation, in the \Scripts folder, locate the file, open it in the MAXScript editor (or any other text editor) and locate the line

spinner spn_MaxTasksPerSlave "Concurrent Tasks Per Machine: " range:[1,10,1] type:#integer align:#left fieldwidth:35 offset:[48,2] across:2

Change range:[1,10,1] to range:[1,16,1] or whatever you want. Note that Deadline itself does not support more than 16 concurrent tasks. Then restart Max.

Realy thanks a lot Bobo these days we can have a lot of ram so for some of us it can be usefull. As you sayd deadline currently support max 16 concurent tastks, will this be changed in future? Computers cores are growing… so maybe sometimes 16 will be not too much? :wink:

You can run more than one slave per machine, each w 16 concurrent Tasks. It uses a license, but the limits essentially nonexistent.
