path error in After Effects

Hi all,
I’m trying to render a simple test scene in AE, and it immediately fails with the following in the error log (excerpt):

The path above is correct though. Rendering locally from AE on the same client works fine, and so is rendering on the command line with aerender.

Any ideas what might be the issue?


Deadline version: v5.1.0.45235 R
Windows 7 Pro SP1
After Effects CS5

A couple questions:

  1. Are you running Deadline as a service?
  2. Is the share “\bigmomma\bigmomma\TESTING” completely open for read/write permissions? Also, check to make sure that you aren’t prompted for a username and password when you originally connect to this share.

Also, can you post the full error report, as well as the command you’re running when you tested aerender outside of Deadline?


  • Ryan

Yes, Deadline is running as a service.
The share is completely open, even for guest access, so there’s no username/password prompt. Error log is attached.

I tried the following commands:

aerender -project "\\bigmomma\bigmomma\TESTING\nothing.aep" -output "\\bigmomma\bigmomma\TESTING\nothing-test\"
aerender -project "\\bigmomma\bigmomma\TESTING\nothing.aep" -comp "test" -s 0 -e 0 -output "\\bigmomma\bigmomma\TESTING\nothing-test\test_[#####].tif"

(the second one I copied straight from the error log)… both worked fine.
Render010_00000_20110915101556.errorReport (4.62 KB)

Good to know! Is Deadline running as the local system account? If so, I don’t think it has access to UNC paths by default. I would definitely recommend running it as the same account you’re currently logged into the machine as for testing, since you know that account has proper access.


  • Ryan

Ah! that did the trick! Thanks :slight_smile:
Surprising though, because it worked in my testing with 3DS Max while running as a system account. I guess AE is just a bit more finicky about that.

Thanks again.