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Path Mapping causing ffmpeg to fail


i ran into an issue with the Path Mapping related to ffmpeg. I created a job which is using the concat protocol of ffmpeg which then reads a text file (attached to this post) containing the paths to the files to be concatenated into one output file. Here are the relevant job settings:

[code]Input File:

Input Argument
-f concat[/code]

Path Mapping is set up like you can see in the attached “Cllipboard02.png”.
Now what happens is that the “X:” of the Input File string is being replaced with “X:/” like this:

2014-12-13 18:05:27: Constructor: FFmpeg 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: Loaded plugin FFmpeg (\\cell-dead-01\deadlinerepo\plugins\FFmpeg) 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled. 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: Task timeout is disabled. 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: Loaded job: ffmpeg_concat_dnxhd (548c6ae3d18fa602908d473a) 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script C:\Users\render\AppData\Local\Thinkbox\Deadline7\slave\CELL-RS-20\plugins\548c6ae3d18fa602908d473a\ 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: INFO: About: FFmpeg Plugin for Deadline 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: INFO: The job's environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 0 2014-12-13 18:05:27: CheckPathMapping: Swapped "X:\gera_grading\_output\2014-12-13\" with "X:/gera_grading\_output\2014-12-13\" 2014-12-13 18:05:27: CheckPathMapping: Swapped "X:\gera_grading\_output\2014-12-13\list.txt" with "X:/gera_grading\_output\2014-12-13\list.txt" 2014-12-13 18:05:27: 0: INFO: FFmpeg job starting...

As a result ffmpeg is failing with the following error message:

2014-12-13 18:05:28: 0: STDOUT: [concat @ 0000000004bd2d00] Impossible to open 'X:/X:\gera_grading\_output\2014-12-13\' 2014-12-13 18:05:28: 0: STDOUT: X:/gera_grading\_output\2014-12-13\list.txt: No such file or directory

So i guess ffmpeg is failing because it can’t find the file “X:/gera_grading_output\2014-12-13\list.txt”. All other ffmpeg jobs (which had either image sequences or .mov files as input) so far ran without problems. So this leads to the conclusion that this is a problem of ffmpeg’s code for reading in text files with the concat protocol.

  1. for some reason ffmpeg also tries to read a file path “X:/X:\gera_grading_output\2014-12-13\”. This is the first path given in the text file. In this case the replacement seems to screw up the whole path completely. It seems like Deadline is also remapping the paths in this text file. Is that the case? I did not expect this to happen. I always thought that Deadline will only replace paths in a) paths to project files like .nk, .max, etc. and b) inside of project files that it ‘knows’ and also knows how to modify like e.g. .nk files. Is it really that Deadline changes paths no matter what? I.e. does it do that kind of transparently on more the OS/filesystem level?
  2. Why does it actually replace “X:” with “X:/”? I did not specifically set this up in the Path Mapping options but intentionally only set up “X:/” to be remapped if necessary. Reason is that i specifically only wanted paths with forward slashes to be modified/remapped but not the ones with backward slashes. For us, the only ones needing it at the moment are Nuke scripts. I also thought that Deadline would never replace backward slashes this way as i was always under the impression that almost all Windows applications (with Nuke being one exception) only work properly with backward slashes.
  3. Does this all mean that i also need to be aware of this when creating .bat files that i want to execute through Deadline?

All this feels a bit dangerous to me as right now i don’t see how i can intentionally keep paths with backward slashes unmodified (i.e. not being remapped by Deadline).
Looking forward to your thoughts.

list.txt (663 Bytes)

Hi Holger,
There is no need to swap out drive letters of existing drive mount letters on Windows. So, you just need to update your Path Mapping by removing these 3 x entries as shown in my attached image. Same issue for Linux mounts, where you can remove the duplication.

Hi Mike,

ah… so i don’t have to fill in all of those fields? I thought this was necessary for it to work. Thanks!
What still bothers me a bit is that also backslashes are being replaced despite them not being in any of the Path Mappings. Maybe this should be written into the documentation.
Also, do you have any idea what potentially has led to this strange replacement here

2014-12-13 18:05:28:  0: STDOUT: [concat @ 0000000004bd2d00] Impossible to open 'X:/X:\gera_grading\_output\2014-12-13\'


This might be one of those times where we have tried to be as helpful as possible in the Path Mapping configuration (Windows resolves X:\ and X:/ to the same location), but its actually leading to a little confusion here. I’ll catch up later today with Ryan to discuss further. In the meantime, can you try removing those duplicate entries as per my earlier reply and hopefully that should resolve your immediate issue and then we can chat later? :slight_smile:

I removed those already and it solves the ffmpeg issue.

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