Path to written frames

Do you know how to get the location of the frames created by a render? In this case, I am dealing with a Maya render.

For some reason JobOutputFileNames is coming back empty:

outputFiles = list(job.JobOutputFileNames) print "Output files %s" % outputFiles

JobFrames and JobFramesList do not return paths.

You can get the output directory (or directories).

outputDirs = list(job.JobOutputDirectories) print outputDirs

This returns the value in the Output Folder field, which is a path to the images folder. Unfortunately, the frames are located in a folder inside of ‘images’. I can probably query the Maya scene file, but I am hoping that to avoid that.

Well, ideally the job properties have the output paths since that’s what drives things such as Draft and the ‘View Output’ in the Monitor. The overrides that we use in the Maya plugin should actually live in the PluginInfo section. Here’s an example from one of my Maya jobs:

Use GetPluginInfo* to get at those: … 23b880f02d

Nice. I will take a look.

Was that job submitted from within Maya or through the monitor? Right now, we have our artists working through the monitor. It’s a user experience they are used to.