AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

periodic auto sorting?

I am finding that items that should be filtered out sometimes take 1-2+ minutes to actually disappear from panels. Is that expected?

The filter has been on for a while. But machines appear after they self update from the previous version, and actually stick around for 1-2+ minutes before disappearing, as if the filter was only reapplied occasionally.

Is Auto-Filtering and Sorting disabled for the list? If so, that would explain this behavior.


No, its enabled. And after a couple of minutes, the lists do update.

Clicking manual refresh doesn’t do anything neither. Going to different panels and back does not trigger a refresh neither.

I can either wait a couple of minutes or edit the filters to make sure its showing the right data.

Thanks for checking that. We’ve logged it as a bug for now and will try to reproduce.


Hmm, I can’t seem to reproduce this. In the test I did, I used the extra info field for the slaves to store a version number, and used the same filter you did (except that it’s filtering on Extra Info 0 instead of Version). I then changed the version number in Extra Info 0 from another Monitor and the filtering was applied pretty quickly.

What’s the number of seconds between slave updates set to in your performance settings? If it’s between 1-2 minutes, that could explain why it takes that long for the items to be filtered out. Although if that were the case, you shouldn’t be seeing the item in the list…

Can you maybe try the test I did with Extra Info 0 for the slaves to see if you can reproduce the problem on your end? If you can’t reproduce, maybe it’s something specific about the Version column, although I don’t think there’s anything special about it…

It could simply be the high number of machines total?
‘Slave updates’ is set to 30 seconds. Manual updating is also enabled with a threshold of 10seconds.

I wonder if it’s related to this error:

We were able to track down this specific error, and it will be fixed in beta 3. That being said, we haven’t been able to reproduce this filtering issue before or after fixing this error message (we’re testing with 1000+ slaves).

Any chance the issue might be related to the tinkering you were doing with the Slave List Control?


No, this is a fresh installation, completely wiped all previous files. The only modded file we have is the launcher’s init function, to load an alternate icon.

Thanks for confirming that. We’ll try to get beta 3 out either later this week or early next week, which will include the other fixes we’ve made to the slave list. If you still see this problem with beta 3, let us know and we’ll keep digging.

Sounds good, thanks Ryan

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