Permamently delete worker

Hey there,
recently started using deadline in license free mode for our small farm.
One thing I couldn´t figure out yet is, how to prevent a worker from readding itself to the repository.
The issue is, that one workstation that is only supposed to be able to submit jobs, but not render any, keeps adding itself as a worker, which in turn screws with the license free mode.
So I constantly need to check the worker list and remove it manually.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening from within the deadline monitor, or do I need to change a setting the the deadline client of the workstation?

make sure it isn’t set to ‘Launch Worker At Startup’ in the Deadline launcher


If you’re using 10.1.15 or greater you should have 10 free licenses

Yeah, thanks, I did that. But it seems that after a restart the “launch Worker at Startup” is enabled again.

Also another question: I don´t need a worker running to submit jobs, right?
Still a bit fishy about some details…

no, you don’t, the Worker is only there to pick up jobs.


It’ll be highlit in green if it’s switched on, the image above is off.

It shouldn’t start up after that, unless you have an automatic ruleset in repository options?

Hm, not sure where I would configure this.
Only thing I found is this “Laucn Worker at Startup” setting on the Auto configuration tab.
Set it to false now, but wouldn´t that only take effect on a new client, or would that also affect clients already in the farm?

this will affect ALL machines connecting to Deadline, they’ll all force the startup launch to false.

I’d uncheck that section else when you restart the other machines they won’t start the Worker

You could add a rule and filter the name/ip and set that to False for Startup

I’m running into a similar issue. I have some low powered laptops that are connected to Deadline to be able to submit jobs and run the monitor and they shouldn’t launch their worker. But somehow people keep accidentally launching the worker

Any ideas on how to prevent the worker from ever starting up?

I decided to rename the worker’s .exe extension to .old to prevent it from running

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Perhaps in the (windows):
set it to 0