Assuming you are using 3ds Max (judging by the message text), it is rather easy to disable it.
*Navigate to your Repository folder
*Go into \submission\3dsmax\Main
*Open the file “” for editing in a text editor, or in the 3ds Max MAXScript Editor.
*Locate the line containing the message, which looks like
#(SMTD_SanityCheckFunctions.CheckForLocalDrive, #fix, "The Render Output Path appears to point at a LOCAL DRIVE!", SMTD_RepairFunctions.FixRenderOutputPath, true),
*Add – in front of it to remark it and thus deactivate. So it would look like
--#(SMTD_SanityCheckFunctions.CheckForLocalDrive, #fix, "The Render Output Path appears to point at a LOCAL DRIVE!", SMTD_RepairFunctions.FixRenderOutputPath, true),
*Save the file.
*Restart the Deadline Submitter in 3ds Max (no need to restart 3ds Max if it is already running!)
Alternatively, you can change the type of the message from #fix to #warn. A #warn type message will show a line in the Sanity Check, but will not affect the ability of the job to be submitted - if all other tests have passed, a #warn message will leave the result “green” and the sanity check will return success.
But since you don’t really care for being warned about a local path, remarking it completely using – would be the better approach.
Note that each time you reinstall or update the Deadline Repository to a new version, you will have to make the change again. Only sanity checks located in the file won’t be touched by updates.