perturb bug


when i output a procedural map to color channel with Result Type: Perturb its the same like chosing Color output instead of Perturb, this only happens if i use the new magmamodifier if i use the old magma channels modifier it still works fine

also in the new magmamodifier when i go to View > depot display… > auto-collapse categories on DragAndDrop, this does not work i cant turn it off same for depot categories cant uncheck this too both works fine when using the old modifier

Thanks for the report. The Perturb bug will be fixed shortly. Bobo is looking into the depot problem you reported as well.

Thanks for the report, it works in the right-click menu of the Depot, it is just missing the event handler in the View>Depot Display menu.
As a temp. workaround, please use the right-click over Depot menu until we fix the other menu…

EDIT: Fixed internally for v2.0.1.