PFlow Ember Follow Alpha003 Example

Attached is a variation of the PFlow Ember Follow demo scene, extended a bit to showcase some of the new features in Alpha003.
This was saved from 2013 as 2010 format, hope it will load in all versions of Max.

A bunch of channels are being set in SIM Ember, and the PFlow can be set to use them to control some particle properties like Scale, Spin, Orientation, Selection etc.
A Sphere is converted to a Level Set (you can use any mesh, current limitation of Level Set is that it uses only the first Geometry object from the input). If a particle enters the inside of the Level Set, its selected state is set to true and it is sent out to a new event where it continues moving without Ember influence and also turns red.

Setting of Color and Mapping channels is not implemented yet, but you could use a Material with an Ember Texmap to colorize in the renderer.
You can also set the MtlIndex to switch a material without sending out to a new event…

More options to come in future builds. (26.6 KB)