>PFlow FumeXF wigs out.

Beta 17

I can toggle all the other Increment Random Seeds buttons except for the FumeFX one. I get this error:


MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception


– Runtime error: Attempted to set property “Partition:IncrementFumeRandomSeeds”, which is not a valid property name.




I don’t have FumeFX installed on this machine, but I also don’t have TP installed, and that’s not complaining.

  • Chad

Yep, this is a typo.

The line should be

on ckb_incrementFumeFXRandomSeeds changed state do FranticParticles.SetProperty “Partition:IncrementFumeFXRandomSeeds” state

…FumeFX…, not just …Fume…

The rest of the file uses FumeFX, but the event handler does not. My bad.

Thanks for catching that!

