is it somehow possible to restore a aborted phoenix simulation?
Phoenix calculates simulation only on a single node - so, if the slave crashes and restarts it’s calculating the simulation from the beginning and not from the last “safe-frame”. Is there any option? Event? Script? Any suggestion?
Hmm. I’m not sure if Phoenix supports any sort of check pointing and it looks like it’s only useful if you’ve enabled some sort of “Backup Interval”: docs.chaosgroup.com/display/P213M/Simulation
What app are you running this sim inside of? I don’t think we have any plugin-specific settings in Maya or Cinema. 3DS Max is a special case, but I can’t recall anything for Phoenix specifically.
As far as i know is the “Backup Interval” required for any kind of “restore” stopped/paused PhoenixFD simulations - and of course, in the case of a crashed simulation on Deadline, you can start 3dsMax, load your scene, hit the restore button and submit the scene again to Deadline - but, it would a much smoother workflow to have something like “restart the simulation from the last save-frame”…
Currently the simulation code does not pass the cache path or the start frame as optional arguments to the A_StartSim() function.
(The SMTD Workflow script uses the same function calls as the Deadline submitter Chaos Group ship with Phoenix.)
local thePhoenixFD = execute (du.GetJobInfoEntry "PhoenixFDToSimulate")
local theIndex = du.CurrentFrame
if theIndex < 1 or theIndex > thePhoenixFD.count do du.FailRender "Index Out Of Range!"
local theObject = getNodeByName thePhoenixFD[theIndex]
But from looking at the above documentation link, it would be possible to force the simulator to load from file and continue (if supported). However, there are a bunch of other parameters involved, and I am not a Phoenix guru, so I will have to educate myself a bit first…