I had a issue with the Pipeline integrated submission which seems to have lingered into 10 possibly. When in the integrated submission dialogue box in OS 10 you cant select anything. Support had sent me a new Integrationui.py file to fix it. This file also seems to fix it in
I’m also having an issue on one of my machine when in the after effects submission script the submit or cancel buttons suddenly do not work. I have uninstalled and reinstalled but can’t seem to get them working again.
That fix hasn’t made its way in yet unfortunately, so keep using the patch for now. For AE I’m not running into the same issue on my Windows machine, you say this is just a single machine with this issue? Other machines are fine? This is an OS X machine?
Apparently the Draft fix should have made it in for version Did you run the repository installer? Can you double check your repository version?
Still having an issue with one machine that can not submit an AFter Effects render. The submit and cancel buttons don’t work but the pipeline button does.
Have uninstalled and reinstalled deadline several times but no luck.
I’m expecting some problem within the AE submission script we haven’t seen yet. It’s possible to enable JavaScript debugging within the UI.
Do you have any pools or groups? If deadlinecommand isn’t working they shouldn’t be loading which is where I’m expecting there to be some trouble (though ‘cancel’ should still work…)
I don’t have much experience with The ExtendScript Toolkit, but we can play around with it on a call and see where we get.
Now, “null is not an object” means we’re trying to call something along this chain (putting a dot after it) and it’s currently null instead of what we think it is. My guess is that one of “dialog”, “compSelection”, or “selection” are probably null / undefined at this point.
I guess a good thing to check is to see if the comp selection group has anything in it and if this error goes away if you have an item in it highlighted during submission. It should be this bottom “Comp Selection” box:
I just tested on my side and it seems fine, so I’m not sure why you’re being bitten here. I did see the selection getting loaded from sticky settings though, so if those are corrupt it may be playing a factor here. You can try by closing AE and renaming the file in “%appdata…\local\Thinkbox\Deadline10\settings\ae_submission.ini” to something else to see if it has an effect.
Also, if the whole UI is completely locked up, make sure the “Script Alert” for successful submission isn’t hiding int he background. That caught me just now.
I rolled back to an earlier version of the submission script and it works now. Whatever is getting installed with the latest build semms to be the problem perhaps?
I can’t reproduce and we’ll need to fix it, so if you’re willing I could use your help on this one. Can you give me the steps you went through to reproduce?
What I can do is check between the latest and the version you rolled back to to see what changes were made. We could also set up a call if you have the time. Would there be a day next week I could give you a call? Maybe open a ticket by e-mailing support@thinkboxsoftware.com and we can sync up there.