"Pipeline Tools Error" when opening the submitter


I just updated to Deadline (both Repo and Client).
When I open the submitter window in Maya or Houdini, I get a “Pipeline Tools Error”.

The error is the same in Maya and Houdini.
Submitting and rendering still works, though.
Clicking on “Pipeline Tools” in the submitter window triggers the error message again.

Any idea what could be causing this? Any fix?


Error importing module 'DeadlineUI.Forms.GeneralForms': DLL load failed while importing QtChart: The specified procedure could not be found. (Python.Runtime.PythonException)
Error: DLL load failed while importing QtChart: The specified procedure could not be found.
  File "C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\deadline_1692834694173\work\DeadlineProject\DeadlineUI\Forms\FarmReportForms\FarmOverviewReport.py", line 7, in <module>
  File "C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\deadline_1692834694173\work\DeadlineProject\DeadlineUI\Forms\FarmStatusReportsDialog.py", line 18, in <module>
  File "C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\deadline_1692834694173\work\DeadlineProject\DeadlineUI\Forms\GeneralForms.py", line 30, in <module>
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException() in C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\dotnet_pythonnet_1688438502375\work\src\runtime\PythonException.cs:line 53
   at Python.Runtime.NewReferenceExtensions.BorrowOrThrow(NewReference& reference) in C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\dotnet_pythonnet_1688438502375\work\src\runtime\Native\NewReference.cs:line 169
   at Python.Runtime.PyModule.Import(String name) in C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\dotnet_pythonnet_1688438502375\work\src\runtime\PythonTypes\PyModule.cs:line 71
   at Python.Runtime.Py.Import(String name) in C:\thinkbox-conda\conda-bld\dotnet_pythonnet_1688438502375\work\src\runtime\Py.cs:line 111
   at FranticX.Scripting.PythonNetScriptEngine.ImportModule(String moduleName, Boolean reload)


Thanks for reaching out. It is failing to import QtChart maybe because the script was compiled in a version of Python different than the version on the machine in question. It should, however use Deadline’s Python.

  • To troubleshoot this further open a command prompt and type in where python is it using Deadline’s python the path will tell you.
  • From command prompt run python and then from PyQt5.QtChart import *
  • Run “C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin\python3\python.exe” from a cmd and then try to import from PyQt5.QtChart import * hit enter. Does it fail?
  • Check in your system environment variables if PYTHONPATH is set? set it to Deadline’s Python.

This article has some detailed info in it about how Deadline loads Python: https://awsthinkbox.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12672461925271-How-does-Deadline-distribute-its-Python-libraries-How-can-I-upgrade-them-

Thank you, that helped me find the source of the issue.

I had a custom path in the repository’s python settings, pointing to my local python folder. That apparently messed things up. I included the path for testing purposes and then forgot to remove it later.

All fixed now, thank you!

Very welcome!! I am glad you were able to resolve this.