Playing output not always works


  2. Centos 7
  3. vray 3, Maya 2016
  4. put ‘dot dot’ into your img render output path

I am testing the latest beta and I think this bug has been there for a while.
I found that when I want to preview rendered frames Deadline complains the path does not exists - but in reality it does.

Deadline will think the path doesn’t exists if if the path has '… / …/ ’ (dot dots) in its path construction. Sometimes it is necessary though …

Is it possible to have deadline resolve a ‘dot dot’ path?
Check the attached image as example.


Strange, I haven’t been able to reproduce this on my Ubuntu VM, it’s always resolving ‘dotted’ paths correctly from what I’m seeing.

I looked at the code, and we’re just calling Python’s os.path.exists function when doing this check, and I can’t find any documentation about its resolution of relative paths being platform-specific… There is a note that this check may fail due to permissions, though. Is it possible that you do not have read access to one of the directories along that path?

I’ll have to set up a CentOS vm and see if I can’t reproduce it on there. Out of curiosity, if you do a file check for that image file directly from a terminal, what does it return? :

if [ -f /jobs/rnd/seq/golaem/0010/tasks/crowd/maya/../../../products/render/img/beauty/v007/rnd_golaem_0010_crowd_v007_beauty.0034.exr ] ; then echo "the file exists!" ; else echo "the file does NOT exist" ; fi



thanks for your response.
I tried out your code. It returns that the file does not exist. :frowning:

hmmm, strange. The file browser resolves the path with no problems … ??? Any ideas ?

Unless there are other files in that folder, it looks like it’s actually the file name that’s off:
rnd_golaem_0010_crowd_v007_beauty.####.exr (file name in Deadline)
rnd_golaem_0010_crowd.0007_v007_beauty.####.exr (Actual name)

I’m not sure why the path being given to Deadline is different than what’s actually getting saved out, it could be that we’re not resolving some tokens properly on the Submission-side of things.

Which Plugin were these jobs for, and how were the Jobs originally submitted (e.g. from within the application, through the Monitor, through custom submission scripts, etc)?

Hi jgaudet,

sorry for the late reply. I was gone on summer holiday.

I used Maya Submission script for the jobs to answer your question.
Renderer used was Vray.

I think I found out what is going on: Its in the naming of the maya scenes which one submits to Deadline which causes this problem.

I see that Deadline behaves correctly and resolves paths if you don’t use following format.
myscene.0001.mb , myscene.0002.mb

The described problem in the previous post was coming when I was rendering animation through Deadline. Somehow the maya submission script gets confused when submitting animation with that above file naming convention. Maybe the maya submission script needs to be aware of this format?!

BY the way. The ‘Incremental Save’ feature in maya names the files in such way. Try the default hotkey CTRL - ALT - S. You will get myscene.0001.mb, …
Even Autodesk Mudbox has this default Incremental Save naming convention.


Yeah, this sounds like it’s likely a bug on our side; I’ll log it in our tracker to be fixed, should be a simple enough fix.

Thanks for providing detailed info on how to reproduce it :slight_smile:


Hey Peter,

I have started looking into this and I have been unable to reproduce this. When rendering with Vray it seems to be ignoring the incremental save naming when rendering. So what I would like to know is what file name prefix you are using to see if I can reproduce it.
