How to fix render plugins version compatibility problem between client and worker machines? I want to redirect to installed version on worker machines.
For example, when I submitted a job using version of 3ds max 2019 or older versions and the workers have only version of 3ds max 2020, the render jobs will fail.
I changed “Configure Plugins” settings but it can’t be redirected to higher versions.
Is there any way to fix it?
As per the recommendations, the worker and the artist machine should be on the same plugin versions. But if you can’t do that for some technical reason, you could try the following solutions to work around:
You could save the Max file and try submit it from the Monitor Submitter and select the worker’s 3ds Max version in the submitter.
You could also try adding the 3ds Max 2020 executables in the 2019 under Configure Plugins options in the Monitor.
@karpreet, thank you for your reply. I have solved using 2nd alternative.