AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

popup handler problem

A report from Bartek, one of our TDs:

It seems that popup handler does handle all popus but ONLY on active window.
Let’s consider the situation where there are two 3dsmax instances running in full GUI mode.
Two slaves has been run on one single node.

First one (A) is started and executing the script (it has focus). All popus are being handled correctly.
Suddenly the other instance (B) is ready to run an it takes over the focus. As B has a focus and is running,
whenever A instance is throwing a popup it will wait until B is done. When B is done, A gets focus back and
continues to run.

Me and Jon have experienced this behaviour multiple times during our render tools development.
Everytime it happened we could see it (even with one 3dsmax instance running) while being connected through remote desktop.
In such a case ,clicking on the title bar of 3dsmax have helped. Maybe, it is related to remote desktop connection…

This is the first we’ve heard of such a problem, and I can’t imagine how a window not having focus would prevent the popup detection from working. Could it maybe be a conflict with the type of jobs being rendered concurrently? Could you test a single slave instance picking up 2 tasks from the same job (set concurrent tasks > 1) to see if the same problem still happens? Could you test without using Remote Desktop Connection to see if it’s at all a factor?


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