AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

popup handling

We are trying to add a popup handler for a nuke crash window that happens commonly:

Nuke7.0.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point ?docsPath@Op@Image@DD@@UEBA?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@XZ could not be located in the dynamic link library DDImage.dll.


But somehow, deadline doesnt seem to find it…
We have:
self.AddPopupHandler( “.Entry Point Not Found.”, “OK” )
self.PopupHandling = True


Any ideas?

Somewhat related question, is that we had visual studio crashes from nuke previously that get handled by deadline automatically (as long as self.PopupHandling = True is set in the nuke plugin). Where are those handlers defined?

There are some cases of popups that Deadline simply isn’t able to “see”. For example, Qt has “alien” widgets that Deadline is currently unable to detect: … _rendering

They don’t have a parent, and don’t use underlying win32 controls, which are the things that Deadline looks for when checking for popups. We’ve already made attempts to handle these types of popups, but haven’t found a solution yet. I’m assuming these are alien widgets simply because Nuke uses Qt.


This seemed to be a standard windows crash popup to be honest. But it might not have been a child of the nuke process. Would that affect behavior?

Although, nuke would not carry on until manually clicked OK…

Apparently the cause was nuke8 plugins being loaded into nuke7 (which of course should not happen). I dont think nuke initialized its gui at that point

Deadline only looks at the process tree, so the popup is not from Nuke itself, that would also explain this behavior.

Well, its weird. Other visual studio exceptions seem to be handled fine.

Basically, deadline picks up a job, the job crashes, and deadline hangs instead of erroring the frame. Not sure how to fix it :slight_smile:

Hey Laszlo,

I wonder if disabling Windows Error Reporting would help here?
MSDN article WER Settings


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