PORT@License Server Address

Might well be wrong on this, but probably just worth double-checking for me…
If I have previously declared in my license file and more importantly in the Pulse auto-configuration, the Deadline license to be equal to “1234@licenseServer” then if I then change the Deadline repository setting to something like “1235@licenseServer”, restart Pulse and then execute a restart slave command remotely to my slaves, it does not get the updated PORT setting. Which means I have to manually edit it per machine :frowning:

Hey Mike,

That’s strange. The auto-config system just passes the license server entry string as is, so the port number should be passed along. After relaunching the slave, you can check the slave’s log to see which auto-config settings it’s receiving.

Also, did you restart Pulse after making this change? I checked the code, and the auto-config system uses the cached repository options, meaning that Pulse would only update them every 10 minutes.


  • Ryan