Possible inclusion of my Redshift/Houdini task progress custom plugin to the base install

Does it still work with Redshift 3.5?

We’re using the fix v6 with: H19.0.589 (py3), Redshift 3.5.03, DL Workers are both windows and linux.

The fix is amazingggggggggggggggggggg
I only have 1 render node so i have to had set 999 frames per job but with this I can see it updated in realtime thanks to the fix v7

Have you made a ticket to support?

I did a quick file comparison on the newest Houdini scripts that ship with Deadline v10.1.23.6 and there were no changes, so v7 of my scripts will work fine and have been tested.

I will say it again, this is very useful to the community and it’s somewhat mind boggling that it’s not supported out of the box.

If any devs are listening, could you please add these lines to the Houdini scripts, it’s very transparent and simple additions to support redshift progress percentage.


Yes, please add this to standard builds. Shouldnt take too much effort?

1 Like

For the Nth time… this is super useful. Please add Smbell’s few lines in the default plug in.

1 Like released and I don’t see this included on the list


When I get a minute, I’ll check it for compatibility and update accordingly.

sorry, i didn’t mean it wasn’t working, but rather it wasn’t included in the latest update

seems like since deadline went to free for more machines… it’s dev team got reduced as well or non existent? :slight_smile:

updated version for Deadline

deadline_houdini_redshift_task_progress_fixes_v8.zip (20.3 KB)

I updated the thread on the Redshift forums, but forgot to do it here.


Hello Everyone

Thanks for making, sharing and bumping this thread. You guys did a great job. We have a similar forums post on adding fixes to Deadline create by customers: Source Code Contributions for AWS Thinkbox

Having said that, we are aware about this feature and there is an internal ticket to handle it already in the system. However, I cannot share an ETA here.