Possible to access AWSAssetFile% from submitted jobs?

Is the list of assets stored in jobinfo keys? I have looked at job.GetJobInfoKeys() but there are no matching entries. Is it possible to get this asset list from a submitted job via event script def onjobsubmitted? or I have to modify the maya deadline submitter to grab the list? I know it exists in maya_deadline_info_.job, but cannot find where this is stored after submission. I am needing to sync a mirrored cloud server with assets.


There is a detailed post from 2019:

But if you just need the list of assets, I suppose you could call deadlinecommand -getjob <jobid> . I think the files are stored under the key AWSPortalAssets.

I’ve read that post and searched for threads. Unfortunately the AWSPortalAssets key is empty, and AWSAssetFile% keys are not visible in job “submission parameters” in deadline monitor or though python job.GetJobInfoKeys(). I am copying the asset list to the job extrainfo0 key for the moment in maya deadline submit.

Unfortunately, at some point maybe around 2020, the deadlinecommand started stripping off those values if they were found in the JOB file. IIRC, there were issues with customers submitting so many of them that they were reaching the document limit size of MongoDB, or something like that.

I have no idea why this wasn’t handled more gently (with, say, a warning), but I could be missing a detail. For example, the size limit of 16 MB per document is for the BSON (binary JSON) document stored in MongoDB, so there might be no good way to know its compressed size in advance to throw an error.

In fact, this change bit me in the back at some point when I wanted to use those key values and could not find them. I asked the team and learned that the feature had been removed.

Now that I don’t work for AWS Thinkbox anymore, I am not in a position to comment about what really happened, but obviously they cannot be used anymore. :frowning:

Thanks for this info. greatly appreciated. I’ll see if the storing them in extrainfo0 will give any problems, or the asset list could be stored in a jobid_asset txt file somewhere instead of in the jobinfo

Oh, you can store the data in ANY custom properties in the PluginInfo.JOB file - it is meant for storing custom values anyway. The whole AWSAssetFile% story was because we already had the values collected AND written by certain submitters, so it was more or less free for 3ds Max and Maya users. But if you are willing to collect, write to the PluginInfo.job file, and read from the plugin code or elsewhere the paths you need, nothing can stop you from doing that. :slight_smile: