Post Job should fail after one error

I am working on a Post Job that we want to run after a Maya render completes. Sometimes the job fails, and then it is requeued until a limit is reached. The problem with this is that the Post Job generates Shotgun entities. If the job is requeued, then it can generate dozens of entities!

I know you can limit the number of times a job or task is requeued before it is set to failed. Can I set this just for the Post Job?


Cant you just push the SG stuff in “on job complete event”? … ugins.html

OnJobComplete is definitely a good way to go.

Thanks Edwin! I’ll take a look!

Forgot to thank kmind as well!

So…I am just trying to make sure I am on the right track…

Is the idea to create a custom event plugin that fires when the job completes?

Yup! Here’s some info:

Docs on the subject: … ugins.html

Feature Blog: … nt-plugins

You can also pull a bunch of examples from you Repository at: