Post job tasks with external applications (Tweak's RV).

I would like to be able to set a post task on a job, the completed shot in RV. I have an idea how to do it, but I’m unsure that if setting a post command would run RV on ALL the users who have Deadline open.

Would it open only on the user who set the post task, or on all users with deadline open?


A post task script gets executed after each task (x number of frames) is completed.
There is also the event plugin system, which allows you to execute code on say, an entire job is completed?
What are you trying to achieve at the end of each RV task?

Sorry, that is what I mean. At the end of the job.

I basically want the frames to open in RV once the job is complete.

An event plugin will effectively execute on a random deadline slave at the end of a Deadline job.
How would you know which machine the RV player should open on?

This is the problem I face. I will have to look at another way besides a post job script.

I believe RV has a push.exe command or some thing similar [can’t recall or find it online] to do what you want - you can create a script to run that and it will push the frames to the machine you specify

ooohh…Cool. Didn’t know RV had that kind of functionality. The original request all makes sense now :slight_smile:

Interesting. I will investigate. Thanks.