AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

post Submission *.options : PathMapping

If I add 1 or more plugin info key=value pairs which contain a file/folder path and then expose their settings via the plugin’s *.options file for say any of the following “Type=” *.options:


Should Path Mapping be automatically applied to them prior to displaying the dialog? Same question goes for event plugins as well.


I’m not sure if we want to do this or not. Currently, we kinda have a rule of thumb where if Deadline is interacting with the path, we apply path mapping, but if it’s just a setting that’s being displayed, we don’t apply path mapping.

For example, here’s were we apply path mapping:

  1. To paths in the plugins at render time.
  2. To output paths when browsing them from the Monitor.
  3. To script and asset dependencies when checking them.

Here’s were we don’t apply them:

  1. Script/asset paths in the job properties.
  2. Plugin settings in the Configure Plugins dialog.

One reason for this is that if we changed them when displaying them in settings dialogs, users might accidentally commit the modified path setting, which could have unexpected consequences.

Now I’m not 100% sure if this rule of thumb is correct, but for now, at least it’s consistent. :slight_smile:


  • Ryan

Fair enough. I think we will need to talk about this again for VMX…

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