Posting on the interwebs?

What are the rules about renderings/animations done with the beta? Can we post them on vimeo/cgtalk, without naming Bermuda maybe?


Sorry for the late replay.

At this point, Beta testers are only allowed to post images on the closed Beta forum of the respective product they are testing (in other words, here).
Knowledge about the product and its upcoming features should not be shared with the “interwebs” while the testing is going on.

Thank you for your participation and understanding!

Thanks Bobo,
better ask to be sure!

I would love to see some images you have created! I’m looking for images for the website that i can credit to our users.



Actually I got a little animation ready - just need to render it (shaded/lit in Brazil). Came out quite nice imo (attached a frame).
Images, uhm - I did a quick “calm sea” image: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=4560&start=10#p18751
But dunno if is good enough for the gallery.

looks cool! let me know when you have an animation up! would love to see it…and keep 'em coming!



Here it is! No normal map used, sorry :confused: it gave errors. Will use it if the next builds will allow it!
waves.mp4 (4.89 MB)

Great! shame the normal map isnt used!! i’m going to post that as a teaser ;-0

how can i credit you?


chris bond

Uhm I don’t know, what’s the usual way? name/email?

Sounds good - send me the info

Looks good. How did you do the foam texture out of curiosity? The duck motion is very believable, I like it. Someone here suggested trying a mix of “wet” and “dry” rubber materials. Possibly doing it using some rough volume selects with helper objects, and using the “Save vertex selection to map channel” option in the Bermuda modifier for the material mixing.

Hi Conrad, and thanks.
Foam texture is a stress map (not following the waves, 'cause drifting is way more realistic) with a tileable foam texture in the compression channel. It actually acts as a mask between a fast thin translucency material and a clear water material.
For the duck motion I constrained a dummy to the surface, then used another one with a spring controller.
I’ll check out the vertex map thingy!

Chris, mailed you yesterday.

Uhm, how would you use the “Save vertex selection to map channel”?

Do a Volume Select modifier before the Bermuda modifier (use vertex selection mode, and usually soft select). Then in the Bermuda modifier, enable “Save vertex selection”… It just adds the selection weights to a map channel, and you can use a “Vertex Color” texture map, or whatever you want.

Wait wait wait - are you suggesting to put a Bermuda modifier in the floating object (the duck)?

I already did the vertex selection in the duck ( isolated the polys in the water that are touched by the duck, deleted the others with deletemesh modifier, point cache and deleted the unneeded modifiers, then shell and volume select) , and want to RTT render a b/w map using a pre-render script that assigns the color to the selected vertices (selecton changes each frame) then manipulate the mask in post.

Still don’t get how to use the “save vertex selection”. I added an uvw modifier with channel #4, selected vertices, added bermuda modifier, checked “save vertex selection”; tried to render a vertex map set to #4, no luck. What am I doing wrong?

haha, yeah, I guess I was suggesting that you put the Bermuda Modifier on the duck (just to use the “Save Vert. Selection” option). I guess that’s a little silly come to think of it.

I was just trying to brainstorm ways of making the duck look wet based on the feedback I got from Chris. It could be done in many ways I suppose.

Well it would be great if it worked - but I really don’t know how to let it work (I tried).
Actually making a mask of under/overwater isn’t that easy with vertex color map (or I’m making something wrong). Easy for one frame, but right now my workaround is a pre-render script and rtt the vertex map - not immediate at all.
So if you got a simple example of how to use the save vert to make out a vertex mask it would be great, thanks!

What I was thinking about was something like the attached video (volume_select_test.avi). It’s just a box I animated to follow the water. The teapot had a volume select and a Bermuda Modifier that saves the volume select to a channel 4. Also, I found (and fixed) a bug where “Save Vert. Selection” didn’t work when soft-selection was OFF. So that might have been broken for you.

It turns out it doesn’t really look good when rendered :frowning:

Bobo also did a better looking version (bobos_wetmap_test.avi)… I hope he doesn’t mind that I’m showing it. He prototyped a script that detects whether a vertex is below or above the surface using ray intersection and keyframes an Unwrap_UVW modifier to animate a map channel. I’m sure he could go into more detail on that. We’re considering including a tool like this wetness mapper in Bermuda.
bobos_wetmap_test.avi (516 KB)
volume_select_test.avi (2.28 MB)

The script used the built-in ray intersection code so it was quite slow, but then I rewrote it using the accelerated Thinkbox kd-tree extension and it got more usable. It is history-dependent so when a vertex goes underwater, it takes N frames to become completely wet, and when it goes out of the water it takes a lot longer to dry. These settings could be tweaked so the wet and dry timing could be more realistic. Also, keyframing each map vertex in the Unwrap UVW is relatively slow. So I am back to my dream of an advanced VolumeSelect modifier with kd-tree acceleration and histroy-dependent sub-object selections.