Where do we define where the presets and BLOPs are read from?
EDIT: Or rather I should be asking what the best practices for setting up multiple folders for for these are. I see we have presets under Program Files and AppData.
Where do we define where the presets and BLOPs are read from?
EDIT: Or rather I should be asking what the best practices for setting up multiple folders for for these are. I see we have presets under Program Files and AppData.
The Program Files location contains what we are shipping with the installer.
When you launch Max, the file GenomeStartup.ms tries to copy all shipping files into the folders
local theTargetFolder = (dotnetclass "System.Environment").GetFolderPath (dotnetclass "System.Environment+SpecialFolder").LocalApplicationData + "\\Thinkbox\\Genome\\BlackOps\\"
local theTargetFolder = (dotnetclass "System.Environment").GetFolderPath (dotnetclass "System.Environment+SpecialFolder").LocalApplicationData + "\\Thinkbox\\Genome\\MagmaFlows\\"
including ONE LEVEL DEEP nested folders of the source folders.
It only copies the file if it is not there yet, it does not delete/overwrite files.
Currently, there is no way to customize the location of the base target folder, but you can create any number of nested folders within the base folder (again, one level deep).
The Presets MacroScript as well as the Editor’s Presets rollout will scan that location and show you the subfolders and their contents.
So if you want to propagate a Preset, you can either copy it into the Program Files location and it will be copied to the local folder on startup if it does not exist yet, or you can copy it directly to the above location on a user’s machine.
If you feel that this system is not flexible enough (e.g. you want multiple nested folder levels, or customizable base folder location), please discuss.
OK, thanks for explaining. We can probably work with that.