We are experiencing some pretty serious slowness with the monitor, that seems to affect its startup time as well.
In this case it took almost 10 minutes:
2013-10-30 15:33:03: BEGIN - LAPRO2104\ScanlineVfx_user
2013-10-30 15:33:03: Deadline Monitor 6.1 [v6.1.0.53441 R]
2013-10-30 15:41:49: Main Window shown
(this does not affect everybody, but for that particular user its every time)
That’s odd how slow it is. Has this user always had this problem? Have you tried restarting their machine or reinstalling the Deadline client? Any potential network issues when connecting to the database or repository from their machine?
He did try restarting a couple of times.
Ill try reinstalling deadline, and check the console for errors