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Prioritity Clamp on users group

I have created a group of users in Deadline and I would like to limit the priority settings of tasks for them, so that they can not give higher than 100. Deadline has the priority set to 100 by default, but I have set 200 in general so that users outside this group with the limitation can use it. I found PriorityClamp on github, but when I enter the configuration, I get the message “There are no configurable settings for this plugin”. I suspect this has to do with the fact that PriorityClamp was created 7 years ago and has not been updated. Does anyone know a solution on how to restrict per user group priority?

Thank you for your help.

Just pulled that event to double check - on my Deadline 10.3 install it still works. The bit you’re mentioning, that’s in the Monitor under Tools → Configure Plugins right?

Make sure that you’ve got all the files for the event plugin in the folder:

 Directory of C:\DeadlineRepository10\custom\events\PriorityClamp

2023-10-10  08:29    <DIR>          .
2023-10-10  08:29    <DIR>          ..
2023-10-10  08:29               894 PriorityClamp.ico
2023-10-10  08:29               549 PriorityClamp.param
2023-10-10  08:29             2,103
2023-10-10  08:29               978 Readme.txt

I’d bet that PriorityClamp.param is either missing or not readable.

If that’s not the case, take a look in your deadlinemonitor log from when the config isn’t readable to see if there’s something getting thrown there.

The logs will be on the machine in one of these locations:
Windows: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs
Linux: /var/log/Thinkbox/Deadline10
Mac OS X: /Library/Logs/Thinkbox/Deadline10


Hello Justin,

In my case, the name PriorityClamp is displayed in Tools → Configure Events…

Under Tools → Configure Plugins… - I have no such name.

I put the whole folder with all the files into the path: “DeadlineRepository10\custom\events\PriorityClamp”.

All files are readable.

I will check the logs and let you know.

Yep - mistake on my part, it should be in Configure Events not Plugins.


@Justin_B Can you send a screenshot of what it looks like at your place?
What does the window look like with this add-on?

This is without any other changes than just dropping those files into the repository.

I’m running (I need to upgrade to latest!) on this machine, and not using a remote connection server. A remote connection server at the most would mean you’d have a minute or two delay to see the options, but it should be instant.

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I sent you @Justin a private message with the logs.

Below is a screenshot of what it looks like on my computer

Other than the occasional failure to hit the database, there’s nothing in those logs to explain what’s not working here.

Does the DeadlineRepository10\custom\events\PriorityClamp\PriorityClamp.param file have the same contents as this file in the github? Also make sure the .param and .py files have the same name as their parent folder all three should be named PriorityClamp.

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It works! I had a different folder name. After changing the folder name to the same as the file name, everything started working. Thank you for your help @Justin.

Perfect! I know I’ve been bitten by that before, should have thought of it earlier. Glad it’s up an running!

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