Prioritize by machine

I’m looking for a way to prioritize machines for rendering, regardless of job.

We have a set of machines that are newer than the others and I would like them to pick up jobs first. Sometimes the task number is less the number of render drones available, so having the faster machines pick it up first is ideal. I’ve read through the pool/group documentation but I don’t see how to configure for this.

The only way to do this is to whitelist the machines you want to pick up the job when you submit the job. Generally speaking though, this isn’t something you probably have to worry about. When the farm is busy, faster machines will naturally pick up a higher percentage of the overall task count because they finish their tasks faster. But in cases where the farm is idle and you want to push a job through quickly, using whitelists to pick the fastest machines would probably be the way to go.


  • Ryan

Would it not be worth impleamenting a score system for each blade?

This could be ranked by processor / Ram totals

or compared to other tasks in the same job, which out-performed.

I think backburner actually had something that worked quite well, scoring lead to certain machines always being the first to pick up jobs, always useful when you’re sending off a quick job.


This type of system doesn’t really work with Deadline’s architecture. The slaves themselves are responsible for looking for tasks, so there is no central authority that determines which slaves should get which tasks first. Yes, if Pulse is running, the slaves go through it, but it’s still a first come, first serve system.

And like I mentioned earlier, this isn’t an issue when the farm is busy, because faster machines will naturally process more tasks. In this case, there aren’t any benefits to having a scoring system.


  • Ryan