Problem:Max9 with deadline V3.1

Hi Ryan!

1、My OP System:WinXP 64bit Sp2(en) add chinese language package.
2、Deadline Version:Deadline_3.1
3、software:3dsmax 9.0(x86)

Under deadline V3.1 some 3dsmax9.0 scene can not render.But use 3dsmax’s backburner network render is ok.It’s same scene.
How to fix this problem.^_^.

Error report:
Constructor: 3dsmax
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: test-02 (999_081_999_0d424762)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin 3dsmax
0: INFO: About: 3dsmax Plugin for Deadline
0: INFO: Start Job called - starting up 3dsmax plugin
0: INFO: Rendering with 3dsmax version: 9
0: INFO: Build of 3dsmax to force: 32bit
0: INFO: Rendering with executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe
0: INFO: Fail on existing 3dsmax process: 0
0: INFO: Load 3dsmax timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Start job timeout: 1000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timeout: 8000 seconds
0: INFO: Progress update timout disabled: 0
0: INFO: Slave mode enabled: 1
0: INFO: Silent mode enabled: 0
0: INFO: Local rendering enabled: 1
0: INFO: Strict 3dsmax check enabled: 1
0: INFO: Verifying installation of 3dsmax 9 at C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9
0: INFO: Version of core.dll:
0: INFO: Ensuring 3dsmax install is valid
0: INFO: Running 3dsmaxcmd workaround
0: INFO: 3dsmaxcmd.exe returned: P2009-5-17 14:07:28; Error opening scene file: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9"
0: INFO: 3dsmax start up file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax9.max
0: INFO: Using user profiles: 1
0: WARNING: 3dsmax ini file does not exist: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.ini
0: INFO: Network log file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\9 - 32bit\enu\Network\Max.log
0: INFO: Plugin ini file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Including user profile plugin ini: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\9 - 32bit\enu\plugin.ini
0: INFO: Lightning connection plugin: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\lightningMax9.dlx
0: INFO: 3dsmax socket connection port: 1454
0: INFO: Creating startup script: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\
0: INFO: Copying C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\lightningMax9.dlx to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\temp\lightning\lightning.dlx
0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process 3dsmaxProcess
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.Brazil Console.
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.MSP Acceleration.
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.FumeFX:.
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.FumeFX Dynamics:.
0: INFO: Ignoring popup windows with titles matching regex “.Maxwell Translation Window.
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.VRay authorization.” by pressing “Cancel”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.V-Ray warning.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.File Load: Units Mismatch.” by pressing “Adopt the File’s Unit Scale?;OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Frame Rate Change.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.MAXScript Auto-load Script Error.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Render history settings.” by pressing “OK;No”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Warning - the software has encountered a problem.” by pressing “Don’t show me this error again;Continue”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Frantic Films FPS Watchdog.” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “.Missing Dlls.” by pressing “Cancel”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “Brazil r/s Rio Warning” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Handling popup windows with titles matching regex “3D Studio MAX” by pressing “OK”
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: False
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: False
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -p “C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\dl.ini” -q -s “C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\deadlineStartupMax9.max”
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 9”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: INFO: Waiting for connection from 3dsmax
0: INFO: Connected to 3dsmax plugin version Lightning Mar 27 2009 09:32:22 R
0: INFO: Scene file to render: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\jobsData\test-02.max
0: INFO: Camera: Camera01
0: INFO: Restarting 3dsmax after each frame: 0
0: INFO: Showing frame buffer: 1
0: INFO: Overriding render output: \server\colorful\test\test.jpg
0: INFO: Frame number base: 0
0: INFO: Remove padding from output filename: 0
0: INFO: Ignore missing external file errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing UVW errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing XREF errors: 1
0: INFO: Ignore missing DLL errors: 1
0: INFO: Disabling Multipass: 0
0: INFO: Loading 3dsmax scene file
0: INFO: [filename]
[size] 640x480
[aspect] 1
0: INFO: Executing script: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Frantic Films\Deadline\slave\plugins\
0: INFO: Applying customizations to max file…
0: INFO: >General Renderer Settings:
0: INFO: +Render Width set to 720
0: INFO: +Render Height set to 405
0: INFO: +Pixel Aspect set to 1.0
0: INFO: +Atmospherics set to true
0: INFO: +Effects set to true
0: INFO: +Displacements set to true
0: INFO: +Area Lights/Shadows As Points set to false
0: INFO: +Force 2-Sided set to false
0: INFO: +Render Hidden Geometry set to false
0: INFO: +Video Color Check set to false
0: INFO: +Super Black set to false
0: INFO: +Render To Fields set to false
0: INFO: +Skip Existing Frames set to false
0: INFO: >Render Environment Settings:
0: INFO: +Background Color set to (color 255 255 255)
0: INFO: +Use Environment Map set to false
0: INFO: +Ambient Color set to (color 0 0 0)
0: INFO: +Global Light Tint Color set to (color 255 255 255)
0: INFO: +Global Light Level set to 1.0
0: INFO: >V-Ray detected as current renderer.
0: INFO: +fixedRate_subdivs set to 2
0: INFO: +twoLevel_baseSubdivs set to 1
0: INFO: +twoLevel_fineSubdivs set to 4
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_minRate set to -1
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_maxRate set to 2
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_threshold set to 0.1
0: INFO: +adaptiveSubdivision_rand set to true
0: INFO: +imageSampler_outline set to false
0: INFO: +imageSampler_normal set to false
0: INFO: +imageSamper_normal_threshold set to 0.05
0: INFO: +filter_on set to true
0: INFO: +filter_size set to 4.0
0: INFO: +options_displacement set to true
0: INFO: +options_lights set to true
0: INFO: +options_hiddenLights set to true
0: INFO: +options_shadows set to true
0: INFO: +options_defaultLights set to true
0: INFO: +options_reflectionRefraction set to true
0: INFO: +options_limitDepth set to false
0: INFO: +options_maxDepth set to 2
0: INFO: +options_maps set to true
0: INFO: +options_filterMaps set to true
0: INFO: +options_transpMaxLevels set to 50
0: INFO: +options_transpCutoff set to 0.001
0: INFO: +options_dontRenderImage set to false
0: INFO: +options_overrideMtl_on set to false
0: INFO: +options_showGIOnly set to false
0: INFO: +options_ray_bias set to 0.001
0: INFO: +options_glossyEffects set to true
0: INFO: +gi_on set to true
0: INFO: +gi_reflectCaustics set to false
0: INFO: +gi_refractCaustics set to true
0: INFO: +gi_saturation set to 0.4
0: INFO: +gi_contrast set to 1.0
0: INFO: +gi_contrast_base set to 0.5
0: INFO: +gi_saveMapsPerFrame set to true
0: INFO: +qmcgi_subdivs set to 8
0: INFO: +qmcgi_depth set to 3
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_minRate set to -3
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_maxRate set to -3
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_subdivs set to 40
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_interpSamples set to 20
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_colorThreshold set to 0.4
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_normalThreshold set to 0.3
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_distThreshold set to 0.1
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_blurGI set to 0.0
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_showCalcPhase set to false
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_showDirectLight set to false
0: INFO: +gi_irradmap_showSamples set to false
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_calcInterpSamples set to 15
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_randomize set to true
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_checkSampleVisibility set to false
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_useCurrentPassSamples set to true
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +adv_irradmap_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +qmc_timeDependent set to true
0: INFO: +qmc_earlyTermination_amount set to 0.85
0: INFO: +qmc_earlyTermination_threshold set to 0.01
0: INFO: +qmc_earlyTermination_minSamples set to 8
0: INFO: +qmc_subdivs_mult set to 2.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_bounces set to 10
0: INFO: +photonMap_autoDist set to true
0: INFO: +photonMap_searchDist set to 20.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_maxPhotons set to 30
0: INFO: +photonMap_multiplier set to 1.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_maxDensity set to 0.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_convert set to false
0: INFO: +photonMap_interpSamples set to 10
0: INFO: +photonMap_convexHullEstimate set to false
0: INFO: +photonMap_storeDirectLight set to true
0: INFO: +photonMap_retraceCorners set to 0.0
0: INFO: +photonMap_retraceBounces set to 10
0: INFO: +photonMap_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +photonMap_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +photonMap_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_subdivs set to 1000
0: INFO: +lightcache_sampleSize set to 0.02
0: INFO: +lightcache_filter_type set to 1
0: INFO: +lightcache_filter_size set to 0.04
0: INFO: +lightcache_bounces set to 100
0: INFO: +lightcache_showCalcPhase set to 0
0: INFO: +lightcache_storeDirectLight set to 1
0: INFO: +lightcache_scale set to 0
0: INFO: +lightcache_mode set to 0
0: INFO: +lightcache_interpSamples set to 10
0: INFO: +lightcache_prefilter_on set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_prefilter_samples set to 10
0: INFO: +lightcache_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +lightcache_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_useForGlossyRays set to false
0: INFO: +lightcache_numPasses set to 4
0: INFO: +caustics_on set to false
0: INFO: +caustics_multiplier set to 1.0
0: INFO: +caustics_searchDist set to 5.0
0: INFO: +caustics_maxPhotons set to 60
0: INFO: +caustics_maxDensity set to 0.0
0: INFO: +caustics_dontDelete set to true
0: INFO: +casutics_autoSave set to false
0: INFO: +caustics_switchToSavedMap set to false
0: INFO: +environment_gi_on set to true
0: INFO: +environment_gi_color set to (color 137 198 255)
0: INFO: +environment_gi_color_multiplier set to 0.5
0: INFO: +environment_gi_map_on set to true
0: INFO: +environment_rr_on set to false
0: INFO: +environment_rr_color set to (color 0 0 0)
0: INFO: +environment_rr_color_multiplier set to 1.0
0: INFO: +environment_rr_map_on set to true
0: INFO: +colorMapping_type set to 0
0: INFO: +colorMapping_darkMult set to 1.0
0: INFO: +colorMapping_brightMult set to 1.0
0: INFO: +colorMapping_affectBackground set to true
0: INFO: +colorMapping_clampOutput set to false
0: INFO: +camera_type set to 0
0: INFO: +camera_overrideFOV set to false
0: INFO: +camera_fov set to 45.0
0: INFO: +camera_cyl_height set to 400.0
0: INFO: +camera_fish_autoDistance set to true
0: INFO: +camera_fish_distance set to 2.0
0: INFO: +camera_fish_curve set to 1.0
0: INFO: +dof_on set to false
0: INFO: +dof_shutter set to 5.0
0: INFO: +dof_bias set to 0.0
0: INFO: +dof_distance set to 200.0
0: INFO: +dof_getFromCamera set to false
0: INFO: +dof_sides_on set to false
0: INFO: +dof_sides_num set to 5
0: INFO: +dof_sides_rotation set to 0.0
0: INFO: +dof_anisotropy set to 0.0
0: INFO: +dof_subdivs set to 6
0: INFO: +moblur_on set to false
0: INFO: +moblur_duration set to 1.0
0: INFO: +moblur_intervalCenter set to 0.5
0: INFO: +moblur_bias set to 0.0
0: INFO: +moblur_prepassSamples set to 1
0: INFO: +moblur_geometryParticles set to false
0: INFO: +moblur_geomSamples set to 2
0: INFO: +moblur_qmc_minSamples set to 6
0: INFO: +displacement_overrideMax set to true
0: INFO: +displacement_edgeLength set to 4.0
0: INFO: +displacement_viewDependent set to true
0: INFO: +displacement_maxSubdivs set to 256
0: INFO: +displacement_tightBounds set to true
0: INFO: +displacement_amount set to 1.0
0: INFO: +displacement_relative set to true
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_maxLevels set to 60
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_minLeafSize set to 0.0
0: INFO: +system_raycaster_faceLevelCoeff set to 2.0
0: INFO: +system_region_x set to 64
0: INFO: +system_region_y set to 64
0: INFO: +system_region_meaning set to 0
0: INFO: +system_region_sequence set to 4
0: INFO: +system_region_sequence_reverse set to 0
0: INFO: +system_previousRender set to 0
0: INFO: +system_frameStamp_on set to false
Info Thread - Cancelling task because task filename “\Server\DeadlineRepository\jobs\999_081_999_0d424762\Rendering\999_081_999_0d424762_00000_0-0.Dell003” could not be found, it was likely requeued
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - An error occurred in StartJob(): RenderTask: Unexpected exception (The output byte buffer is too small to contain the encoded data, encoding ‘Chinese Simplified (GB2312)’ fallback ‘System.Text.InternalEncoderBestFitFallback’.
Parameter name: bytes) (Deadline.Plugins.ScriptPlugin+FailRenderException)

Chinese Simplified (GB2312) already install.

Deadline seems to have problems when the application it is rendering with supports the Chinese character encoding. Although we’ve never seen this specific error before, the problem seems to be occurring when Deadline is trying to parse some stdout being printed by max.

We are looking to fix this problem in an upcoming release, but unfortunately we aren’t aware of any workarounds at the moment. One thing you could possibly try is not using Chinese characters in object or camera names, but it’s hard to say if that will actually help or not. Maybe you could send us a simple test scene that reproduces the problem and we can try it out here.


  • Ryan

Thanks Ryan!Simple scene already send your email,pleaese check.

I’m not seeing anything in my inbox. Maybe it got caught in our spam filter. Can you post the scene here?
Pick up code:a56c03a3

Test scene.

Thanks for the test scene! We were able to reproduce the problem and traced the error to a bug in our code. We were able to fix the bug and now the scene appears to render just fine. This fix will be included in the upcoming 3.1 service pack release. Thanks for your help with tracking this problem down!


  • Ryan

You’re welcome.^_^.