Problem to install Houdini Submitter


Hi, I get this error message, while trying to install the houdini submitter.
I´ve no idea whats wrong here.
Please help.


there is another thread about this here, not sure which version you’re using?

looks like the ‘solution’ is to run through the manual installation…

Hello and thanks for your time.
But I´m a near zero “windows and env-variable specialist” and I don´t get it running by manual inst.

  1. I don´t know what `%localappdata% means :frowning:
    a: C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10 or
    b: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10 ?
    And in both versions I can´t find a “sumitters” folder
    (for my first test I decided me for the “ProgramData Way”, and create inside deadline10, the submitter folder and inside it a HoudiniSubmitter folder and copyed the correct folders/files inside
  2. I replaced the SUBMITTER_DIR with the path of these new folders/datas
    But when I copy the Path into the xml script, it pasted with \´s and not with /´s, what is confusing for me too…hmmmm
  3. I copied the “” into "python2.7libs folder, which I found here:
    But I´m not sure if %home% this path means :frowning:
  4. Now I copied the “deadline.json” to:
    I´ve no idea, if everthing what I did is complete wrong, or parts of them.
    And the next step “All Users” I´m completely lost.
  5. what is a “location accessible by all users” ?
  6. where is the Environment variable ?
    C:\Users\3D\Documents\houdini18.5 - here? The “houdini.env” file?
  7. I´ve no idea, what I´ve to add exactly, when you speak from “HOUDINI_PACKAGE_DIR”
    I think I need a good tut per link or some “hints for dummys” :slight_smile:
    Cheeers and thanks gys

Please help me to get it working

I got it running.
At least with the sumitter.exe
Perhaps I missed to check the phyton 3 to install.
Don´t know, but now it runs…

%home%, %appdata%, %HOUDINI_PACKAGE_DIR% are environment variables. You can see/set them in the Advanced tab in System properties. In powershell they are accessed like $env:appdata, and in linux - $appdata.

The json file in packages modifies some variables when Houdini starts up, so as not to mess your global environment. This is preferable to using houdini.env, which does sort of the same but more difficult to maintain.

Your home directory normally is only accessible to you, and not to all users, which causes the next step. I guess this wouldn’t hurt in your case, though.

Program Files contains the programs themselves. ProgramData contains working files and configuration.
If you are not admin on your system, keep everything in %home%\Documents\houdini18.5\python2.7libs. For python 3 (newer Houdini builds) you use %home%\Documents\houdini18.5\python3.7libs.

Do not worry too much, all these changes you do are reversible.