problem with Arnold Export / Dependent Job through Submitter in Maya 2017

Hi there,

Trying out Deadline, with Maya 2017. I have a scene with rendersetup active, and three layers within. The layers are named “ball”, “ground” and “genji”.

I know that the submitter works very well as Maya Render Job, but because we are having problems with mayabatch.exe / render.exe in Maya 2017 with some scenes, and I want to use Arnold Export for the renders.

I submit an Arnold Export Job with Submit Dependent Arnold jobs to Deadline. It sends out 4 jobs - one mayabatch for the Arnold export and one Arnold Render for each of the layers. Good so far…

The export job runs well and puts the data in folders named the same as the rendersetup layers. However, when the Arnold job begins, it fails.

The error is thus:
0:00:00 33MB ERROR | [ass] can’t read in \prod\class\rhagen\Genji\data[b]rs_ground[/b]\rendersetup.0034.ass: No such file or directory

Now, I am aware that Maya 2017 likes to put an rs_ prefix before folders whenever you use rendersetup… however, the Arnold Export through Deadline produces this file path: \prod\class\rhagen\Genji\data[b]ground[/b]\rendersetup.0001.ass

AS a workaround, I was thinking that I could maybe use path mapping with an expression to replace any instance of “rs_” with nothing in the pathname but I don’t know how I would do that.

I think it is a problem with the submitter because it passes this argument no matter what I do


How can I change this behavior?


I just did some testing to see if I could reproduce this on my end. In my test scene I am getting the rs_ prefix showing up in my folders. Do you have a simple test scene that I could use to reproduce this so I can compare the settings. Hopefully this will let me figure out what is causing the differences so we can fix the inconsistencies.


Sure thing! I’ll include a Maya .ma file - it is saved with Maya 2017 Update 2 (2.82 MB)

wondering if it might have something to do with Update 2? They seem to have removed the rs_ prefix from folder names when I just do a normal render, so it might be affecting the export as well.

Hey rhagen,

It appears that in Update 2 they added changed how they are getting the Render Layer token when using Render Setups. Attached is an updated submitter that should fix these issues for you, all you need to do is extract it into /submission/maya/main.

Let me know how it works out for you,
Grant (64.2 KB)


i’m new to the forums, and found this thread…
I tested this submission script using Maya 2017 update 3 (a beta-version), but was unsuccessful.

below you’ll find the log I got for this. In another thread, someone mentioned Autodesk introduced a function with the same name as a function used for deadline? Might this have happened again then, for update 3?
Unfortunately I don’t have update 2 to test this on.

thanks for your reply.

Here’s the deadline slave log:

Kind regards,

I think you might be hijacking this thread, but I’ll carry on here anyway.

Given this tiny line here:

2016-12-14 11:04:29: 0: STDOUT: Error: Line 0.27: Syntax error

That definitely feels like a bug. It’s in fact not even a command, but some code that was written improperly. Can you try loading the scene on “Z800” and check the script listener to see if the error comes up there after loading the scene? For all I know the syntax error is in that scene file…

Looks like that new submitter helps a lot! Will this be included in further updates or should I just keep using this one even if I do upgrade?

Thanks so much and Happy new Year


This has already been merged in so it will be included with all further updates.

Your welcome and Happy new Year.