AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Problems with route swapping Blender|Houdini $JOB

Hi, I have problems with some parameters swapping routes with blender and houdini.

We have 2 regions, 2 renderfarms in different places, each region has its swapping routes, to convert the inputs and outputs, and it does it correctly.

But when we have additional arguments like in blender or houdini $JOB does not convert them.

-With Blender to force the task to use the GPU we have to put additional arguments like in this post Forcing Blender to use GPU - #16 by karpreet

-With Houdini when a client uses the $JOB in one region it converts correctly, but in region 2 it does not,
a user in this forum recommended me to disable this option Monitor → Configure plugins → Houdini → Path Mapping → Enable Path Mapping False, in the plugin, but it didn’t work for me.

I need a way to have it automatically replace that path with the correct one according to the region.

Would you be able to share (either here or in the ticket system at the kind of failure you’re seeing?

For the Blender issue, if it’s the path to your Blender GPU script that’s not getting remapped I just pulled up the application plugin code, and it looks like pathmapping rules were not being applied to it. I’ve attached a fixed copy of the file that should resolve the issue. (8.6 KB)

For the Houdini issue, I’d have to see a task report to get an understanding of what rules are being applied on the task and how they might be failing.


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Ohh great now it works correctly!!! thank you very much, the houdini thing has been solved too.

Sounds good! I’ll get the download updated with that fix. Thanks for confirming!

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