Property Panel (not serious) issue

I can’t stop!! :smiley:D
This isn’t a real bug or something… this is coming only from my work flow. Just a question!
I have a scene let’s call it “apple” I have to render an apple, create an apple pass with an apple partition.
I submit to the deadline, the Property Panel will appear in the top of the explorer.
I have to render a “peach” with a same movement, lights, etc…
this is how I doing it:
I change the models “apple” with “peach” and rename the apple pass and partition to peach, save the former apple scene to peach scene, submit it to the deadline… other settings are the same I don’t have to do nothing with it.
Open the deadline and for the first job you can read under the name part apple - apple (the scene and the pass name)
and at the second you will read the same name, watta hell?? The reason is the deadline thinks this is a same scene because the property panel stays intact. ( I saved the apple property panel to the peach scene because I forget to reset/delete it)
Ok I know if I hit “close dialog and reset options” everything will works fine. but between short deadlines…

So this is just a think about it thread not a bug report. If you say reset the options before submit I say ok. But my opinion it could be better if deadline update himself somehow after saving. Is it possible?

Best regards,

Csaba Kanal

Do you have to reset the options, or would just closing and reopening the submission script work? When the script is launched, it gathers the list of passes so it can display them in under the passes tab, so a restart of the submission is required if the passes have changed. For changing the job name, you should be able to just edit the Name field in the submission script.


  • Ryan