protected job

Hi there,

I was just reading the tooltip for the ‘protected job’ property, and it says that the job can be deleted by the job’s user or people with permissions to handle the job. It would be great if nobody could delete these jobs, unless the protected flag is explicitly removed.

Basically our use-case / requirement for this flag is simple… artists report issues about jobs, then they delete them a couple hours / days later making troubleshooting impossible. Or wranglers delete them, or some other superuser who thinks he is doing the right thing by cleaning up failed jobs.

In a perfect world, a troubleshooter could simply set this flag making it impossible for others to delete the job, unless they go into the job properties and remove that flag explicitly.

I hope this makes sense!


There is currently a warning that pops up when a user tries to delete a protected Job even if they do have permission. Making the job impossible to delete as long as the setting is set would likely not prevent the kind of user who ignores the warning from editing the job properties and deleting the job.

We would remove regular user’s ability to set that setting explicitly, and would provide a script to protect (but not unprotect) a job. That way artists could protect jobs they wanted to keep, and ask wranglers to delete them if needed.
However, the primary use is not artist protection, but wranglers/TDs protecting jobs that are being used for troubleshooting. With 300+ people, this is a constant struggle, people deleting their jobs because they forget that they reported an issue on it, or wranglers cleaning up and clicking yes out of habit on every warning dialog. If you add one additional barrier (explicitly having to change that setting), its more of a conscious decision.

Makes sense to me, I know I certainly tend to click through dialog boxes without actually reading them >.>

To clarify, here’s what we’d be doing:

  1. Change protected jobs so that they can never be deleted while protected.
  2. Change the ‘handle protected jobs’ permission to be for changing the protected status of a job.
  3. Remove ability of Job owners (submitters) to implicitly have the above permission for their own jobs.

Does line up with what you’re looking for? I don’t know if #3 is strictly necessary, but it seems like it’d be a good change.

Yeah this sounds about right! Thanks! We could always tweak the behavior if this seems too strict.

Here is an example:

2016/01/22 12:44:06 laszlo.sebo (super user) LAPRO3067 (SCANLINEVFXLA\laszlo.sebo): Suspended Job
2016/01/22 12:44:52 laszlo.sebo (super user) LAPRO3067 (SCANLINEVFXLA\laszlo.sebo): User modified to: ‘laszlo.sebo’
2016/01/22 12:45:02 laszlo.sebo (super user) LAPRO3067 (SCANLINEVFXLA\laszlo.sebo): Protected flag modified to: ‘True’
2016/01/22 17:33:26 zachary.mallett LAPRO3252 (SCANLINEVFXLA\farid.yazami): Deleted job: (laszlo.sebo,"[INDY] UMS_133_0470_v0085_fya_refractionFix_images_render3d_Light-LondonEye_0",50:3d:max2015,2016/01/22 12:43:03,56a294577a3a9e2314d9d3b7)

Damn :slight_smile: Luckily i could still undelete

Note how he even changed users to be able to delete the job (and not just ignore the “this is protected” popup). Guess its time to lock things down.