AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

prt export not working correctly

I have noticed when creating stoke sims the cached files are numbering in a strange way stoke_1000 stoke_1001,6 stoke_1002,4 stoke_1003,2 stoke_1004 stoke_1004,8 stoke_1005,5 ect…
This is fine in stoke, but when I export, or load into a PRT loader it acts as if frames are missing.

any ideas?

max 2012 x64
Stoke ver.


sam K

Is there a reason you are using a non-release build of Stoke?
In general, the commas denote sub-frames (like in XMesh). But the final version of Stoke does not save sub-frames, it only lets you perform sub-sampling during the simulation, but stores the full frames only.
It is quite possible your version did not do that…

oops, I thought I was using the release version.

So if I rerun the sim in the release version should solve this issue?
Whats odd, im not using subframes, and it did not appear to do this in earlier caches.

That’s very odd. But the file naming denotes sub-frames. I assume it was my / our bug at some point. It kind of rings a bell, but that was many months ago and I don’t remember the details. Please try a newer build and see what will happen…

latest version of Stoke fixed the issue!

did I mention I love stoke?



Don’t stop mentioning it, we like reading that :mrgreen:

We are preparing a Beta 2 build of Stoke MX 2.0, be sure to check it out when it is posted. We fixed a few issues in the original Stoke simulator and made it use correctly render vs. viewport particles (Stoke driving another Stoke in 1.x would only use viewport particles). Plus all the added Ember goodness which is getting more and more polished…

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