How can I use it directly with a KCM when that Density Input Channel is 16[1]
or am I missing something here?
I have done this before, has something changed in
How can I use it directly with a KCM when that Density Input Channel is 16[1]
or am I missing something here?
I have done this before, has something changed in
Yep just tested it in and it works as expected.
FYI Temp is doing the same thing. I guess 2.0 standard magma is more discriminate now?
Hey hey that handy little script worked like a charm
You did not explain what error you are seeing.
When in doubt, post an screenshot.
Ugh crap, sorry, saving to seq. now it will be a while before I can back to get it.
Well the good news is I cannot replicate it in a new simple scene. Of course I do not know which version of Krakatoa the culprit scene was originally developed in. The scene is about a year old. It appears scene dependent.
But it does not matter whether it is float16[1] or float32[1]. Or at least it should not matter.
Are you saying that Magma 2 complained about it? As long as the Arity is the same [1], 16 or 32 should work the same.
Did it show a red node and an error? Or did it fail to render? Or did it crash? That’s what I am trying to understand.
The Density input Node went red and said “Density was not available in this stream”, it still renders, I am not sure if the result is correct though.
Also Particle data viewer shows the channel as populated.
I think I fixed some glitch around this after we posted that build, but I could be wrong. Thanks for the info!
This was the system if you were curious, your a-typical fireyball 10 million particles and it could easily use. So saving out another with 10x more.
I had a dream about the end of the world and it looked something like that…
seriously tho, pretty! send me an animation when its done…would love to see that at 8k with 4 billion particles…
LOL, Pflow is slooow, looking like 32 more hours just to finish caching 90 million per frame (3.0 gb per frame), it scale pretty true the 9 million per frame where about 300mb. So going by that math a 900 million would be 30gb per frame and 9billion would be 300gb per frame! I don’t have that much drive space
10 minutes per frame to cache, 2 minutes per frame to render
90 million particles (no motion blur, I only brought a single frame home):
Looking pretty freaking cool though!
Thanks, it is still caching, I hope to at least get to render 160 HD frames sometime today.
Sorry Mr Bond, no 8K 4 billion particles, I can send you guys the scene though if you want to give it a shot. The Fume controller only takes about 20 minutes to sim. The rest is cache.
That would be cool! We’ve successfully rendered 7 billion particles on the beast of a machine we’re going to demo with. How big is the scene file? Can you email it to me/Bobo, or do we need to think of something more clever?
Na, the scene file is tight, only less than 700kb. Let me clean it up and add a few notes and I will send it you way.
Sent it via PM, oh I just started to render and Noticed the PRT loader is set to view 100%, might wanna change it before you load, I am starring at the WSOD and the render density needs to be adjusted per increase, you guys will figure that out though.