prt fumefx loarder issue

hey guys :slight_smile:

so I have an issue trying to get the prt loader to read fumefx output

keep in mind the output names here are made by the pipeline, so I cant change them

  1. make a fume object, sim to “filename…fxd” so after sim you get “filename.1001.fxd” , etc)
  2. make a PRT FumeFX loader and point to that cache
  3. you SHOULD get a "err: cant find output in “filename1001.fxd” or something to that effect… which makes sense, cause there is no file by that name. It is SUPPOSED to be “filename.1001.fxd”

for some reason the loader seems to ignore the “…” in the filename and tosses one of them, and there’s no way to change that (at least, I cant)

I also cant remember if we had this issue back at PF so it’s why I was asking :wink:

cheers guys,


Hey Chris!

This is a bug we’ve hit before in the FumeFX SDK. They expose a function that takes a file sequence name and does the frame substitution, but it seems to get messed up when the path has extra periods. Its even more annoying because they obviously don’t have this issue with the core FumeFX code, just with the function exposed via the SDK!

I’ll try using our code for filename stuff in the next version of Krakatoa (currently in beta), but there is no solution in any existing builds short of changing your filenames. Sorry about that.

hey Darcy :slight_smile:

yeah I kinda figured as much… I’ll see what we can do here (pipeline automagically creates all files same format, sadly)

on that note, a quick question on the prt fumefx moblur as well :wink:

I was trying to render something with obvious motion, but krakatoa didnt render it until i multiplied the velocities of the prtfumefx loader in a kcm, I haven’t figured out exactly what number is “correct” but it’s between 24 and 100, where it sort of looks right…



Its definitely possible that I messed up the velocities … The SDK didn’t really say what the units were.

If the velocity in FumeFX is in units per frame, multiplying by 24 would make sense to make it units per second.
If the velocity was in units per tick, multiplying by 4800 would be necessary to make it units per second. If a KCM with a 4800 multiplier looks wrong, we can probably assume it is units per frame.
The default shutter angle is 180, so rendering with 360 might show a cleared picture.
Note that you can copy the Velocity into a PRTViewportVector channel to see a line drawn in the viewport for easier visualization. The actual value will be shown, so if you already multiplied by 24, you would see where the particle will be a SECOND later. If you show the original channel coming from PRT FumeFX and it looks RIGHT (pointing at where the particle will be a frame later), then it is WRONG and needs the scale of 24x. :wink:

heh tks bobo/darcy :wink: i’ll take a peek

