PRT Hair Spline Node Mode

What is the chance of spline node mode being able to accept a list of animated splines?

You want a list of source nodes, as opposed to a single pick button?

That’s what he wants.
Don’t we all want node lists eveywhere? :mrgreen:

Make work please:

EDIT: I think what would be useful is to be able to use more than a single spline, like a group… of splines :smiley: (130 KB)

I tried to get it to work some other ways but they all seem to destroy the animation. So the only option currently would be to create a PRT Hair per spline. Unless, and it is totally possible, that there is another way?

If it could use a group as in the example file I posted it would be just fine with no need for any UI change.

This would be epic for all those digi-screens-of-ala-Avatar of modi spline-based topos

This plugin and PRT Hair :wink: actually not even sure you need the plugin but PRT Hair and spline Topo