PRT Loader Culling Distance

The PRT Loader Culling Distance parameter is always active when the parameters checkbox is checked.

It seems this parameter should be disabled when Particle Culling is turned off.

Not necessarily, as it can be used to acquire normals without culling.
But I get the point, when it does nothing, it should be grayed out.
Will look closer.

Hmm ok I see, it was still affecting it though


Create a volume (sphere) create a PRT Volume add sphere and save particles

Create PRT Loader, load particle stream

Create Box the intersects the loader half way, create a selection set for the Cull Objects list

Goto the Cull parameters and choose the cull object selection set, enable the Culling Distance param

Move the Spinner and/or the PRT or box objects

Result: Object is culled box expanded bounds of the box object, when Culling is off

It is like some strange cull, it is kind of a cool bug, seems that is is taking the bounds of the cull object and expanding them and using that as a cull region. (28.2 KB)

I don’t see the problem. From the docs: … _Threshold

So when Culling is off but Culling Dist is on, it removes particles that are farther than the culling surface on either side.
When Culling is on and Culling Dist is on, it culls on the one side only, depending on the Invert option…

As Designed :slight_smile:

Ahaa, ok, very good then :slight_smile:

I triedd looking it up the other day to make sure before I posted this, but the link I had to the manual wasn’t working :frowning: Works now, thankfully :slight_smile:

Thanks for checking