PRT Loader Like Viewport Render Options

First off great work this thing is wonderful and chock full of options!

One thing I think would help me personally:

I really like the way PRT Loader handles its particle sequences. For instance you can turn off a sequence in either viewport or the render.

Is anything like list possible in the Objects list? Seems you could add multiple frosts but then your mesh wont interact with each other.

You’re thinking of something like:

vr: PF Source 1

with checkboxes for viewport and render?

Right now Frost always shows the Krakatoa render particles in the viewport. We hope to change this so you can choose to show either the render particles or the viewport particles. Will your suggestion still be useful for you after we make this change?

It would work well for PRT loaders but other objects would they be left out in the cold?

More specifically though using other sources as well… So if I were to have a PF Source, legacy particle system, a realflow bin, or whatever type emitter/particle sequence you could easily turn off any of the systems without add/removing it, enable quick iterations or checks.

For example, I have a PRT Loader with the main body, and I have several ancillary splash systems, I just want to see ancillary systems a and c and not b and PRT.

Yeah, that’s fair enough. I’ll add this to our wish list.

Thanks for consideration, it is iterative workflow enhancements like those that make life so much easier, especially when you in a hurry.