PRT loader not rendering color?

I have a PRT loader, and I can see the color in the viewport, but the render shows just white. Is there a special button hidden somewhere, or is this a bug?

  • Chad


What is the Color source set to in the Loader? Saved Particle Colors? Also, what is the Particle Color Source in the Krakatoa GUI set to? If it is Blended Camera Distance or Blended Z Depth, you would get white no matter what the Loader settings are.



Borislav "Bobo" Petrov
Technical Director 3D VFX
Frantic Films Winnipeg

The Loader is set to Saved Particle Colors for both viewport and render.

The Particle Color Control is set to Script Vector Channel. That sounded like my best bet. The others all seem to be single color, not per particle.

  • Chad

This is not very intuitive, but the GUI Color Controls have NO effect on the PRT Loaders, except for the Blended Z Depth and Blended Camera Distance modes. The PRT Loader reads explicit color information from the PRT file. The Loader provides an option to replace that color info with the Wirecolor or the of the material assigned to the Loader's node.

(We are working on allowing more control over the density, too - right now, the saved density is also affected by the material's opacity and the global density controls, and the visibility channel, with no way to specify a single source only)

Does the viewport show the SAVED color? What happens if you switch the Loader's Particle Color Source to Wireframe Color? Does it still render white or does it render the wirecolor?



Borislav "Bobo" Petrov
Technical Director 3D VFX
Frantic Films Winnipeg

The loader is showing the saved color, yes. When I switch to wirecolor, I still see white in the render.

  • Chad

Can you save the settings to a Preset and upload it?

I cannot repro this in the typical case.


Borislav "Bobo" Petrov
Technical Director 3D VFX
Frantic Films Winnipeg

Do you need the prt?

If you can post a repro Max scene and the prt, much better. I wasn’t sure whether your scene was transportable or secret…


Borislav “Bobo” Petrov

Technical Director 3D VFX

Frantic Films Winnipeg

It’s not secret, but it’s several gigabytes. I should be able to make a nice test scene out of something proceedural, like Perlin noise.

  • Chad

Uh… Stupid me. I had the visibility on the PRT set to less than 1.

  • Chad