PRT metadata in header?

Is there any way to store metadata in the header of a PRT? I’m thinking things like partition counts, frame numbers, as well as any custom stuff, like average spatial density, min and max RGB, bounding box, IQ, distance to Fresno, etc. If we could then get that data from the PRT Loader via maxscript, we could find all sorts of good stuff without having to rely on complex naming schemes. And if we had a custom map that could say, normalize a channel based on the min and max, then we could process the data without having to read all the points in first.

  • Chad

For the next PRT spec. we are intending to add arbitrary metadata to the file, as well as per-channel information regarding units, etc. This is tentatively scheduled for Krakatoa 1.3.


Cool. Along with that, it would be nice if we could embed the job info from DL into the PRT. So from 3ds max I could determine what job or scene file made a certain PRT.

  • Chad

Cool. Along with that, it

would be nice if we could

embed the job info from DL

into the PRT. So from 3ds max

I could determine what job or

scene file made a certain PRT.

We can assume that there will be MAXScript methods for both reading and writing metadata, so embedding Deadline info wouldn’t be hard to add.