PRT Source?

just wondering how to use this object, or is it only for future use for 3rd party plugins? just wondering how i could prtSource pflow, i know that was talked about a few months ago but not on top priority list, would be cool to deform it like a prt loader and add magma modifiers before saving out to particles,

kind of like an instantTakeScene particles and do stuff with it, the way PRT Hair works, etc.

You could use it like a “Mesher” for PRT objects. I haven’t ever done that in production, but it’s possible.

PRT Source is really meant to expose data provided by other 3rd party objects. For example, the Fathom object exposes a particle stream that can be converted to PRT Source for adding Magma modifiers to the stack, doing deformations etc.
We provide a header file people can use to expose the particle stream, and I think Anatomical are / have been using that.

For PFlow conversion, we must provide a new PRT PFlow object. It is on the Wish List, it is just getting pushed back by other things. Eventually, it will happen. We also have plans for a PRT Phoenix object to represent / deform / modify Phoenix FD data the same way PRT FumeFX does for Fume simulations…

I use it for my in house tools. It’s so awesome. :laughing: :smiley:

benyaboy, show us some screenshots-renders!
