PRT to vdb

Is it possible to convert a prt sequence to vdb?

I know you can convert geometry volumes. I tried putting the prt in a frost but that keeps crashing and i am not sure all the detail are coming thorough.


Depends on what you expect the VDB to contain.
VDB can contain fields and level sets.
You can save a field (e.g. density field, velocity field, color field etc.) in a VDB using the Stoke Field Data Exporter.
However, if you expect the surface of a mesh to be exported as a LevelSet to VDB, we don’t have a tool for that yet.

So if a field is what you want, you can

  • Create a PRT Loader with the PRT files
  • Create a Stoke Field Magma
  • Create a Stoke>ParticleSplat operator.
  • Drag a wire from the Particles socket and pick the PRT Loader
  • Drag a wire from the Position socket to create a Position input.
  • Check >Available Channels Only in the ParticleSplat operator
  • Expose the channels you want (Density, Velocity, Color etc.) as sockets of the ParticleSplat.
  • Output the values to Output nodes (Density and Velocity already exist, press SHIFT+CTRL+C to make a Color output etc.)

Now you have a Magma Field that contains the PRT channels sampled on a grid.

You could now open the Stoke Field Data Exporter and export the fields to VDB, FXD, or F3D.
Note that the spacing of the Stoke Field Magma will define the spacing of the grid, so you can adjust that to get more resolution if you need to.

A field is what I am after.Thanks bobo will try that.