Prt Volume and Pflow PRT Birth

Have we talked about this already? Can this be wish-listed or is it already there?

Really one less step, could be useful to static single frame birth, easier I imagine than what I was thinking,birthing animated deforms over a range, I suppose this does root all the way back to when we talked about having some type of fixed IDs for the volume.

We have talked about it and it has been on the wishlist since before KMX 2, it just did not make it due to other things being higher priority, and because saving to PRT and loading via a PRT Loader is a viable (although annoying) workaround.
It is one of my pet wishlist items though.
Not sure about animation, but for initial distribution of Box #2 grids I suspect it would be very useful…

Thanks for the info, then maybe someday, that’ll do :slight_smile: