PRT volume direct connection to Pflow

It would be really great and extremely handy if we could directly flow the Data from PRT Volume into Pflow! it would be very useful in scenarios where we are having a 1 frame volume that usually gets cached and then loaded into PRT loader and then goes into the “Pflow PRT birth” where you have no direct control over the original PRT volume. In contrast if you could flow the PRT volume directly inside the Pflow we could partition the pflow the usual way since the PRT volume is alive and not cached.

Is there any way in terms of development framework to have a PRT loader pick the data coming from a PRT volume without caching it to disk?


I recall some conversation about this, I too agree it would be cool to be able to pipe all PRT objects into the PRT Birth/Update.

The PRT Volume makes an awesome birth object! I could imagine some cool options for PRT Fume too :slight_smile: ie the ability to repipe adjusted/intensified fire/smoke with PRT Fumes Seed in Values back through pflow and fume

Yes, we have discussed this, but it was left with a lower priority and we run out of time fixing other things like FumeFX 2 support etc.

In 1.6.0, we moved the FumeFX particle generation to a dedicated object - in 1.5.x you had to first save to disk before being able to do anything with the Fume particles, like deforming, transforming, KCM-ing etc. It would make sense to allow these new PRT objects (PRT Volume, PRT FumeFX, PRT Source) to work with the Krakatoa PRT Birth (not sure about the PRT Update since it needs a valid ID channel and neither provides one).

The long term goal was to move ALL sources to dedicated PRT objects, so even PFlows and TPs wouldn’t render directly but go through an intermediate object. This would allow you to add KCMs, deformation modifiers etc. straight on the PRT PFlow or PRT TP object without the need to pre-save to PRTs. And of course you could cycle data from a PFlow to a PRT PFlow back into another PFlow to perform some operations which currently require a PRT sequence to be saved, or feed PFlow straight with TP particles, or whatever your workflow requires…

I am not sure whether or when this might happen. But it has been discussed before and is on the list.