PRT Volume Group of objects?


This question may come from my lack of knowledge of max, i’m just in there for particles :stuck_out_tongue: I have a sphere that has been fragmented and exploded
outwards. How would it be possible to use a PRT volume on all of the shards without having to make 100 PRT volume objects? Is there a way?
It would be rad if you could select a group but i understand why you can’t (i think) but if anyone had a solution that would be rad.


added an image just for laughs :slight_smile:


We have a tool that solves this problem, but it is not commercially available yet.

The alternative is to grab the shapes and animation of all shards into PFlow, make a Mesher and convert that to PRT Volume.
The first part of this is kind of tricky, but doable.
Or you could dump the motion of all chunks to PRT, then use Frost and the ShapeIndex channel set by a KCM to create a single mesh version of the animation, then fill with PRT Volume.

ah thanks for the quick response bobo. I was thinking about trying to go down the pflow route but wasn’t sure what the best
way to attack it was. I’ll give it a shot and see how it goes.

thanks again.